Mold Remediation Photo Gallery

Comprehensive Seven-Step Process Restores Mold Damage in Calumet Home?
When your home or commercial business in Calumet has a mold problem, our local Bemidji, Grand Rapids, and Hibbing team can help. Call us today at 218-999-9799. Learn more.

Hidden Water Leak Caused Mold Outbreak in Grand Rapids Home?
Mold is a common challenge during the Spring in Grand Rapids. Our local Bemidji, Grand Rapids, and Hibbing teams are trained and certified to perform mold containment, removal, cleaning, and restoration services. Learn more.

Roof Problems
SERVPRO of Bemidji, Grand Rapids & Hibbing were called in due to a smell that alarmed the client. Upon arrival and inspection we found this behind the wallpaper in the bathroom. The roof had leaked years prior and the client had to roof fixed but didn't think she had any issues from the roof problem.
Attic Problems
SERVPRO of Bemidji, Grand Rapids & Hibbing was called in on a problem with mold in an attic. Due to previous problems with the roof which was fixed this client developed mold in the attic. SERVPRO of Bemidji, Grand Rapids & Hibbing was on site to assure this client was taken care of and was safe.
SERVPRO OF BEMIDJI, GRAND RAPIDS & HIBBING received a call from our customer that had a steam leak in the basement of his building. When we arrived the basement was just dripping with moisture and mold was everywhere.
We met our customer and explained the process of the remediation step by step and then explained the remediation techniques that would be used.
Our SERVPRO crew jumped right in and started soda blasting the sub-floor then the floor joists and then the walls. They worked room by room and contained one area after another. We finished the job for our customer and brought him downstairs to see the completed work and he could not believe that it was his same basement.
Another great job done by our SERVPRO crew!!
Humidity and mold
This ceiling fan was exposed to high humidity and ultimately mold. It is always amazing/sad to see the effects of humidity on wood and the damage it can cause.